
To protect your eyes and your vision, it is important to wear sunglasses when outside enjoying the sunshine. Ask our doctors to make sure your sunglasses provide 100% protection from UVA and UVB rays. Watch the video for more information on sunglasses and polarized lens options. Remember, you don’t need an appointment to stop in and check out our sunwear!

While sunlight is a beautiful thing, too much of anything can be harmful. Sunglasses can prevent sun damage to the eyes, improve vision, and make a unique fashion statement. Much like our skin becomes sunburned, over-exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet or UV radiation can cause a variety of eye problems including cataracts, macular degeneration, non-cancerous growth, and even cancer of the eye and eyelids.

To protect your eyes and your vision, it is important to wear sunglasses when outside enjoying to sunshine. Ask your eyecare professional to make sure your sunwears provides 100% protection from UVA and UVB rays.

Sunglasses are available with or without a prescription, and are often available with polarized lenses. Light reflected from surfaces such as a flat road or smooth water generally is horizontally polarized. Polarized lenses contain a special filter that blocks this type of intense reflected light, reducing glare for your eyes.

Polarized lenses have been popular for years with boaters and fishermen who need to reduce reflected glare from the water surrounding them. Outdoor enthusiasts who have also benefitted the most from polarized lenses include skiers, bikers, golfers, and joggers, all who may enjoy a clear view with elimination of glare.

Protective Eyewear

Hazards exist in every home in many different forms – sharp edges, falling objects, chemicals, and a variety of other potentially dangerous situations. Whether you’re working on a weekend project in the garage or participating in recreational activities, wearing eye protection can significantly reduce the chances of sight damaging injuries. Watch the video below for more information and be sure to explain your personal and work habits with our doctors at your next eye exam to ensure you receive the best protection for your eyes.

Sports-related injuries are topping 100,000 per year and are almost all of these injuries are preventable by protective eyewear. A survey by the Vision Council of America reports that nearly nine in ten people believe that children should regularly wear protective eyewear when playing sports. Yet only one in three people report that their children actually do wear protective eyewear.

Hazards exist in every home in many different forms. Sharp edges, falling objects, chemicals, noise, and a variety of other potentially dangerous situations. Whether you’re working on a weekend project in the garage, or participating in recreational activities, wearing eye protection can significantly reduce sight damaging injuries. Ask a staff member for more information about protective eyewear solutions.

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