The Light Adjustable Lens Has Arrived

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in Eye Health, General on April 26, 2024

Upper Cumberland’s trusted cataract surgery provider, Cumberland Eye Care, is proud to offer the revolutionary Light Adjustable Lens. What is the Light Adjustable Lens? Unlike any other Intraocular Lens (IOL), the Light Adjustable Lens offers a remarkable level of personalization, allowing our ophthalmologists to adjust and customize your vision after cataract surgery. Crafted from a… Read More

Tips to Help Dry Eye

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in Eye Health, General on January 9, 2024

The winter season is now in full swing! The chilling effects of the colder months, your environment, and your wardrobe are not the only parts of your life that need winter preparation; our bodies and health are often affected just as much by the winter changes. Dry, cool air, cold winds, and even drier indoor… Read More

New Year’s Goals for an Eye Healthy 2024

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in General on December 19, 2023

As we wave goodbye to 2023, let’s leap into 2024 with positive vibrations for a healthy year ahead. The New Year is a time to start fresh and renew our commitment to health, happiness, and success. It’s important to include eye health and safety in these resolutions. Listed below are a few ways to prioritize… Read More

Give the Gift You Will Cherish for a Lifetime

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in General on December 12, 2023

Give the Gift You Will Cherish for a Lifetime

It is that magical time of the year, a season of giving and being merry! Our practice would like to remind you to give yourself a gift you will cherish for a lifetime — the gift of healthy vision. As we age, we should watch for signs of age-related vision loss because early diagnosis prevents… Read More

We Are Thankful for Our Patients

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in General on November 20, 2023

we are thankful for our patients

This Thanksgiving season, it is essential to acknowledge what we are grateful for in our lives and thank all our patients. It is a pleasure to care for your eye care needs every day. The doctors and staff at our office have the opportunity to touch so many people’s lives uniquely, and we see patients… Read More

Your Eyes As You Age: What To Know

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in Eye Health, General on August 15, 2023

Your Eyes As You Age: What To Know

Beginning in the early to mid-40s, many adults may start to have issues seeing clearly, especially when reading and working on a digital device. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, adults develop this typical problem between 41 to 60. This average change in the eye’s focusing ability, called presbyopia, will continue to progress over… Read More

Why Are Eyebrows and Eyelashes Important?

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in General on June 20, 2023

why are eyebrows and eyelashes important

Isn’t it interesting that a study completed by MIT stated that it would be hard to recognize you if you did not have your eyebrows!? Our eyebrows and eyelashes frame our faces, but they don’t just exist for our beauty. They also serve as protection, help us express emotion, and are our eye’s first line… Read More

June Is Cataract Awareness Month

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in General on May 31, 2023

Are Your Cataracts Impacting Your Daily Activities?

Prevent Blindness has declared June as Cataract Awareness Month to raise cataract awareness and educate patients about one of the leading causes of treatable vision loss in the United States. According to Prevent Blindness, over 25 million Americans will develop cataracts. As the population in America ages, the number of cataract cases will likely increase… Read More

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